Acest blog este instrumentul web2.0 cu care profesorii Elena Mănucă şi Sebastian Alexandru, au derulat în perioada 2006/2008 cursul opţional interdisciplinar Limba română-TIC. Este un spaţiu al întâlnirilor "in absentia", generat pentru elevii noştri care, acceptând provocările, au înţeles că literatura nu-i suficient să fie povestită; ea trebuie explicată. TIC nu-i suficient să fie explicată; ea trebuie aplicată.
miercuri, martie 21, 2007
duminică, martie 18, 2007
Acest curs e-learning îşi propune drept obiective:
- să stimuleze elevii într-un proces continuu şi eficient de învăţare,
- să favorizeze dezvoltarea unor competenţe pentru viaţă,
- să dezvolte competenţe de participare civică,
- să dezvolte competenţe de utilizare a noilor tehnologii pentru comunicare,
- să dezvolte competenţe organizatorice şi
- competenţe de cooperare şi relaţionare interpersonală.
Vom incerca noi strategii de învăţare eficientă în e-learning precum:
- Învăţarea pe bază de resurse,
- învăţarea colaborativă, (la aceasta adresa la pag. 17)
- învăţarea prin probleme,
- învăţarea prin proiect.
Avantajele oferite de tehnologia e-learning sunt:
- independenţa de comunicare în timp şi spaţiu,
- asigurarea individualizării învăţării prin adaptarea la nevoile educaţilor,
- flexibilitatea ofertei educaţionale,
- diversitatea strategiilor didactice,
- feed-back prompt,
- diminuarea emotiei create de contactul direct cu educatorul(instructorul).
Metoda de evaluare este PORTOFOLIUL ELECTRONIC (e-portofoliul)(BLOG-ul).
- să stimuleze elevii într-un proces continuu şi eficient de învăţare,
- să favorizeze dezvoltarea unor competenţe pentru viaţă,
- să dezvolte competenţe de participare civică,
- să dezvolte competenţe de utilizare a noilor tehnologii pentru comunicare,
- să dezvolte competenţe organizatorice şi
- competenţe de cooperare şi relaţionare interpersonală.
Vom incerca noi strategii de învăţare eficientă în e-learning precum:
- Învăţarea pe bază de resurse,
- învăţarea colaborativă, (la aceasta adresa la pag. 17)
- învăţarea prin probleme,
- învăţarea prin proiect.
Avantajele oferite de tehnologia e-learning sunt:
- independenţa de comunicare în timp şi spaţiu,
- asigurarea individualizării învăţării prin adaptarea la nevoile educaţilor,
- flexibilitatea ofertei educaţionale,
- diversitatea strategiilor didactice,
- feed-back prompt,
- diminuarea emotiei create de contactul direct cu educatorul(instructorul).
Metoda de evaluare este PORTOFOLIUL ELECTRONIC (e-portofoliul)(BLOG-ul).
duminică, martie 11, 2007
Televizorul şi, mai nou, internetul sunt pe cale să ştranguleze spectacolul de teatru şi filmul de artă.
11.03.2007 08:52 Interviu cu actorul şi regizorul Constantin Florescu realizat de Catalin Mainescu - prof. de matematica in Dolj.
„Elevii învaţă dacă au de la cine, respectă dacă au pe cine, sunt ruşinoşi dacă au de ce”
Convorbire despre şcoală şi nu numai cu actorul şi regizorul Constantin Florescu
- Ce a însemnat şi ce înseamnă şcoala pentru Constantin Florescu?
Ca instituţie, şcoala a fost un lung şir de etape, obligatoriu de parcurs pentru a-mi atinge scopurile. Fiind ezitant din fire şi nu tocmai docil, am schimbat vreo trei licee, trei facultăţi, dintre care am terminat doua şi, dacă voi crede că este necesar, voi fi din nou student. Ca viaţă, şcoala este comparabilă cu un fluid (ca apa sau aerul) care curge permanent prin mine şi, dacă s-ar opri, eu nu aş mai exista. Am extrem de multă disponibilitate de a învăţa şi de a dărui învăţătură. Probabil că asta mi se trage de la faptul ca părinţii mei au fost amândoi învăţători (cea mai nobilă meserie din lume) şi i-am admirat şi am înţeles mai târziu pentru ce îi admir şi îi imit aşa cum mă pricep mai bine.
- Se întâmplă să folosiţi cu interlocutorii expresii de genul „pe vremea mea…”?
- Fără a „înfiera trecutul ruşinos” sau „prezentul vulcanic”, comparaţi şcoala de dinaintea revoluţiei cu cea de după. Mai este profesorul contemporan un model? Mai este elevul contemporan un elev?
- Se spune: „elevii nu mai învaţă deloc. Nu mai există respect. Nu mai există ruşine. Tineretul nu mai are nimic sfânt”. Comentaţi, vă rugăm?
Cine spune aşa ceva este bolnav şi trebuie să se trateze urgent. Boala se cheamă prostie şi se manifestă numai în forme acute. Elevii învaţă dacă au de la cine, respectă dacă au pe cine, sunt ruşinoşi dacă au de ce, iar a avea ceva sfânt este o chestiune intimă şi nu se comentează.
- Care vă este percepţia privind învăţământul rural? Cine credeţi că îl poate resuscita?
Învăţământul rural nu trebuie să fie un handicap nici pentru dascăli şi nici pentru elevi. E mai lipsit de mijloace decât cel de la oraş dar are alte calităţi care, dacă sunt descoperite şi valorificate pot duce la rezultate spectaculoase. Pentru aceasta e necesar ca toată lumea să se ia în serios. Evident, singurii care pot schimba ceva în bine sau în rău sunt OAMENII.
- Marile talente au părăsit ţara. Se pare că fenomenul nu este specific acestor vremuri. A rămâne sau a pleca?...
Marile talente nu părăsesc ţara. Ele pot părăsi un sistem care nu le permite să-şi manifeste geniul şi se duc acolo unde cred că acest lucru este posibil. De fapt, marile talente nu aparţin unei ţări, ele aparţin lumii şi de aceea gestul lor nu poate fi criticat. Dar ei sunt foarte puţini şi nu trebuie confundaţi cu „liber cugetătorii” de ocazie.
- În filmele în care aţi jucat, în spectacole, în ceea ce regizaţi există şcoala? (În „Undeva în est” eraţi student, nu-i aşa?)
În tot ceea ce fac există ceva care se datorează şcolii prin care am trecut, dascălilor pe care i-am avut. De la unii am învăţat ce este bine să fac, iar de la alţii, ceea ce trebuie să evit să fac. Le sunt dator şi unora şi altora. Dar, în mod special, sunt câţiva oameni care mi-au slujit drept model (vorbesc de dascăli), pe care i-am iubit şi care m-au îndreptat spre ceea ce sunt.
Nu îi voi numi pentru că nu au nevoie de reverenţa mea. Cred că întâlnirea cu ei a fost ceea ce numim destin şi mă consider un norocos. Noroc a fost şi faptul că am început să fac film din al doilea an de IATC. Unul dintre elevii mei de care sunt foarte mândru a început la fel. Sper să continue mai bine decât am făcut-o eu. Adică să mă depăşească.
- Ce înseamnă actorul aici, acum? Ce mai înseamnă arta? Cum se mai poate scăpa de sub kitsch?
E greu să răspund la întrebare pentru că nu pot să fiu obiectiv. Eu mă simt important prin ceea ce fac, chiar dacă aprecierea celor din jur nu mai e atât de mare. În general, omul obişnuit nu ajunge la teatru sau în sala de cinema prea des. Cei mai mulţi se mulţumesc cu ceea ce văd la televizor şi nu se prea deranjează să caute şi altceva. Televizorul şi, mai nou, internetul sunt pe cale să ştranguleze spectacolul de teatru şi filmul de artă. Lucrurile de calitate ajung greu la publicul larg sau publicul la ele. Omului modern i se fură – prin diverse mijloace – timpul. Ori, pentru artă trebuie să ai timp, dispoziţie. Ea a fost înlocuită cu un tip de divertisment uşor şi repede consumabil, promovat de televiziunile comerciale în goana după clienţi, pentru diversele produse şi servicii cărora le fac reclamă şi, astfel câştigă bani. Oamenii, în general nu se mai diferenţiază prin calităţile lor ci prin conturile bancare. E o confuzie care poate deveni extrem de periculoasă. Arta este vulnerabilă în acest context. Visul meu este să deschid o şcoală de spectatori ai cărei absolvenţi să poată să aprecieze un spectacol de teatru sau un film.
- …iar mesajul dumneavoastră pentru elevii şi profesorii începutului de mileniu este…
Purtaţi-vă crucea cu demnitate!
Interviu realizat de Cătălin Mîinescu
Use of multimedia projects in social science and economic field
Interviul il gasiti la adresa si a fost dat in revista Information and Inspiration for Innvative Teaching in K-12 Schools EDUTOPIA editata de THE GEORGE LUCAS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION aflata pe web la adresa
There are 6 clips in this interview Marco Torres, a social studies teacher and technology director at San Fernando High School, explores how the creation of multimedia projects empowers his students, as well as those who participate in the San Fernando Education Technology Team (SFETT).
1. You’ve been a teacher for five years now, but you started in politics. Why did you switch professions?
I felt that working in politics gave me the proper skills to establish relationships to help schools out. I didn't think schools took advantage of elected officials enough to try to bridge together all the different resources available for its schools. And I think that our community was going through a transition. We started electing people that were from our community, [for the] first time ever. And I thought that it would be a great opportunity to bring them into the classroom. And I felt that I can take those relationship skills that I learned in politics, learned while I was [working] with L.A. city councilman Rich Alarcon and his philosophy of getting it done, and apply that in the classroom. And I tried to do it for a year and I won the Teacher of the Year Award, so 5 years later I'm still there.
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2. Talk about San Fernando High School and the surrounding community.
San Fernando's an old immigration city. It was ever since the lumber industry made its way through there and [the] olive industry and [the] orange and citrus [industries], so we've got a long history of being an immigrant-receiving community. And we still are that way, we're 99 percent, 99.8 percent, Mexicano. Like many Mexican immigrant towns, it struggles financially. It's one of the poorest areas in Los Angeles County as far as median income and income per household. We're very quiet, very humble poverty and many times that really bothers us because we've never had the political connections and the politicians looking in our direction and seeing what they can do to help.
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3. You are an advocate of multimedia as a way for your students to represent their knowledge and ideas. Why?
As Latinos, our history traditionally has been told through dance, through song, through literature, like poetry for example, through the arts, murals, through stories that our ancestors told. So we've had a very multimedia approach to learning about ourselves but I think that the people who traditionally gave us those stories or those abilities, as they're dying off, we need to take advantage of the resources we have now to preserve that and to give the kids those tools so they can continue their story because we have a very multimedia history. Well, now we have multimedia to help us preserve that.
4. Talk about the process your students use in developing multimedia projects.
Whenever we do any project in my class, there's a process that takes place. I call it the four P's. The first P is planning -- the most critical part. In the planning, that's where the kids write things like the script, the timeline, storyboards -- very, very important. I must be able, as a teacher, to sit down and visualize what it is that they're trying to do before I hand them a camera. Here's a camera or here's a computer and to be able to tell me that you understand exactly where you want to go. The second part is the actual, the second P is production. That's when the kids actually go out and either shoot or start to collect the information needed to do the project. The third part is a presentation. This is where they actually present the information and now the presentation takes many forms. It can be in a form of, in front of the class, in form of an essay, in form of online documentary. So it has different ways. And then the final P is assessment. I call it assessment with a final P. Well, let me go back. I call it assessing with a silent P. Sorry. That's the final one. And assessing with the silent P involves the kids to develop rubrics. What does it mean to have a good project?
5. How do you blend multimedia and social studies in your teaching?
Last week, my students learned about special interest groups. And one of the things that I asked them to do was to do research on a special interest group. And after they found the research, they had to present the information to the class in a form of a documentary, kind of a Ken Burns kind of documentary. We established the questions ahead of time and the kids went out and found the answers. Sometimes they contacted those special interest groups and they did a little documentary. And then in front of the class -- because I'm really big on presenting -- they presented the information and then we assessed it. The students developed rubrics to assess the product, in other words, the content. But they also developed rubrics to assess the process. Was it a good use of color? A good use of framing? Was the sound adequate, were pictures used appropriately, etc., because I really want the kids to understand the role of media in the process.
6. What impact has this brand of multimedia storytelling had on your students?
I have a student in Connie, Consuelo Molina. She did a project for my economics class. And she had to take a look at the effects of the world economy. And she really internalized this information. This was a period of my curriculum that she wanted to uncover, rather than just cover. And she wanted to talk about some of the consequences of the world economy and the world market and the protests that were happening in Washington and Seattle around the World Trade Organization. So she decided to focus on sweatshops and she wanted just to alert the people in her class on what she found while doing this report on sweatshops. She knew that if she had done this project traditionally, in front of a class, the information would have died there in the class. She knows that if she had written it on a piece of paper and given it to the teacher, the teacher, because of the large number of the students, she probably would just look down the sheet, looking for mistakes, not reading what Connie felt. But Connie decided to do a documentary on this process. And she talked about the facts that she found and she shared it with the class and what I like about it is at the end she says, "Look, this is what I found. You decide what you want to do with this information. Just remember that the workers are moms and sisters, like ..." and then she says, "like you and me." And she took this documentary and posted it on the web. And several people have found it from, I remember, the woman's, what is it? The women's human rights conference in Paris saw it and asked her permission to show it. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, asked to show, if he can show the project to about 10,000 educators. To turn around and to tell Connie that her passion and her interest to talk about something that really bothered her and to have it reach every corner of the world was an experience that she will never, it'll be something that she'll never forget. si a fost dat in revista Information and Inspiration for Innvative Teaching in K-12 Schools EDUTOPIA editata de THE GEORGE LUCAS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION aflata pe web la adresa

1. You’ve been a teacher for five years now, but you started in politics. Why did you switch professions?
I felt that working in politics gave me the proper skills to establish relationships to help schools out. I didn't think schools took advantage of elected officials enough to try to bridge together all the different resources available for its schools. And I think that our community was going through a transition. We started electing people that were from our community, [for the] first time ever. And I thought that it would be a great opportunity to bring them into the classroom. And I felt that I can take those relationship skills that I learned in politics, learned while I was [working] with L.A. city councilman Rich Alarcon and his philosophy of getting it done, and apply that in the classroom. And I tried to do it for a year and I won the Teacher of the Year Award, so 5 years later I'm still there.
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2. Talk about San Fernando High School and the surrounding community.
San Fernando's an old immigration city. It was ever since the lumber industry made its way through there and [the] olive industry and [the] orange and citrus [industries], so we've got a long history of being an immigrant-receiving community. And we still are that way, we're 99 percent, 99.8 percent, Mexicano. Like many Mexican immigrant towns, it struggles financially. It's one of the poorest areas in Los Angeles County as far as median income and income per household. We're very quiet, very humble poverty and many times that really bothers us because we've never had the political connections and the politicians looking in our direction and seeing what they can do to help.
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3. You are an advocate of multimedia as a way for your students to represent their knowledge and ideas. Why?
As Latinos, our history traditionally has been told through dance, through song, through literature, like poetry for example, through the arts, murals, through stories that our ancestors told. So we've had a very multimedia approach to learning about ourselves but I think that the people who traditionally gave us those stories or those abilities, as they're dying off, we need to take advantage of the resources we have now to preserve that and to give the kids those tools so they can continue their story because we have a very multimedia history. Well, now we have multimedia to help us preserve that.
4. Talk about the process your students use in developing multimedia projects.
Whenever we do any project in my class, there's a process that takes place. I call it the four P's. The first P is planning -- the most critical part. In the planning, that's where the kids write things like the script, the timeline, storyboards -- very, very important. I must be able, as a teacher, to sit down and visualize what it is that they're trying to do before I hand them a camera. Here's a camera or here's a computer and to be able to tell me that you understand exactly where you want to go. The second part is the actual, the second P is production. That's when the kids actually go out and either shoot or start to collect the information needed to do the project. The third part is a presentation. This is where they actually present the information and now the presentation takes many forms. It can be in a form of, in front of the class, in form of an essay, in form of online documentary. So it has different ways. And then the final P is assessment. I call it assessment with a final P. Well, let me go back. I call it assessing with a silent P. Sorry. That's the final one. And assessing with the silent P involves the kids to develop rubrics. What does it mean to have a good project?
5. How do you blend multimedia and social studies in your teaching?
Last week, my students learned about special interest groups. And one of the things that I asked them to do was to do research on a special interest group. And after they found the research, they had to present the information to the class in a form of a documentary, kind of a Ken Burns kind of documentary. We established the questions ahead of time and the kids went out and found the answers. Sometimes they contacted those special interest groups and they did a little documentary. And then in front of the class -- because I'm really big on presenting -- they presented the information and then we assessed it. The students developed rubrics to assess the product, in other words, the content. But they also developed rubrics to assess the process. Was it a good use of color? A good use of framing? Was the sound adequate, were pictures used appropriately, etc., because I really want the kids to understand the role of media in the process.
6. What impact has this brand of multimedia storytelling had on your students?
I have a student in Connie, Consuelo Molina. She did a project for my economics class. And she had to take a look at the effects of the world economy. And she really internalized this information. This was a period of my curriculum that she wanted to uncover, rather than just cover. And she wanted to talk about some of the consequences of the world economy and the world market and the protests that were happening in Washington and Seattle around the World Trade Organization. So she decided to focus on sweatshops and she wanted just to alert the people in her class on what she found while doing this report on sweatshops. She knew that if she had done this project traditionally, in front of a class, the information would have died there in the class. She knows that if she had written it on a piece of paper and given it to the teacher, the teacher, because of the large number of the students, she probably would just look down the sheet, looking for mistakes, not reading what Connie felt. But Connie decided to do a documentary on this process. And she talked about the facts that she found and she shared it with the class and what I like about it is at the end she says, "Look, this is what I found. You decide what you want to do with this information. Just remember that the workers are moms and sisters, like ..." and then she says, "like you and me." And she took this documentary and posted it on the web. And several people have found it from, I remember, the woman's, what is it? The women's human rights conference in Paris saw it and asked her permission to show it. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, asked to show, if he can show the project to about 10,000 educators. To turn around and to tell Connie that her passion and her interest to talk about something that really bothered her and to have it reach every corner of the world was an experience that she will never, it'll be something that she'll never forget.
duminică, martie 04, 2007
În evaluarea parţială din 4 martie 2007 au fost aplicate următoarele criterii de evaluare:
* 2 puncte pentru crearea unui album
* 1 punct daca imaginile sunt clare şi sunt din Sibiu
* 2 puncte pentru scrierea articolului "Sibiu 2007 - Capitala europeană a culturii"
* 1 punct daca are macar un link relevant
* 1 punct daca textul este original şi nu copiat
* 1 punct pentru ordinea elementelor pe blog (articolele pe coloana articolelor şi instrumentele pe coloana lor)si pentru un design plăcut
* 1 punct dacă aţi trecut la noul template
* 1 punct dacă au fost luate în consideraţie sfaturile primite pe blog.
* 2 puncte pentru crearea unui album
* 1 punct daca imaginile sunt clare şi sunt din Sibiu
* 2 puncte pentru scrierea articolului "Sibiu 2007 - Capitala europeană a culturii"
* 1 punct daca are macar un link relevant
* 1 punct daca textul este original şi nu copiat
* 1 punct pentru ordinea elementelor pe blog (articolele pe coloana articolelor şi instrumentele pe coloana lor)si pentru un design plăcut
* 1 punct dacă aţi trecut la noul template
* 1 punct dacă au fost luate în consideraţie sfaturile primite pe blog.
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