marți, mai 15, 2007

CHAT with Graham Watson, MEP and ALDE group leader - Rezultate

TEMA - "50 years later: What does the EU mean to us?"

Toate întrebările puse de fiecare participant la chat şi răspunsurile primite sunt depozitate aici iar fotografiile făcute de fiecare participant (printre care şi elevii clasei a XI-a D şi a XI-a C de la Şcoala Normală "Vasile Lupu" Iaşi) sunt aici Redăm mai jos doar secvenţele de dialog în care apar întrebările puse de elevii noştri.

Romania3: Does anyone knows when the talk will begin?:D
cyprus: Normally at 3
Romania2: hey...i thought that only English language here...;)
Portugal: Hello, to all!
PetruDumitru: Good afternoon everyone and thank you for joining us today! Our guests, Mr. Watson and his team arrived. As you know the chat session is divided in three parts. The first group of schools are Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Poland2 and Romania3 (20 minutes, from 14.00 to 14.20). Your questions, please!
PetruDumitru: And do not run, please...
watson: Hello everybody! I am Graham Watson. I'm very happy to be with you today and I look forward to answering your questions .
Poland2: Dobrze dzieki, skąd znasz tak dobrze polski??
Belgium1: Did you already notice some differences in your country because you are a member of EU now ?
Romania2: hey poland2, english please
Romania3: Hello. We are Romanian students belonging to “Vasile Lupu” High School, Iasi. Our school is mainly based on vocational education but we are also very much interested in everything that keeps us connected to the evolution of the European educational system. We are very much pleased to take part in this chat and have a dialogue with our mates from the European Union.
PetruDumitru: Belgium, is that a question to our guest?

Romania2: no we haven't noticed any diference...
Belgium1: It's a questions for everybody
* Italy left the chatroom.
Romania3: 1.Will the EU legislation determine the change of the system of the Romanian college entrance?
watson: Yes, many. In the 35 years the UK has been a member our standard of living has increased tremendously, as have the opportunities for young people. And, most of all, our thinking has changed. Many Brits now think of themselves as Europeans
Romania2: Actually our president is suspended...:(
PetruDumitru: All, and Belgium, the theme of our chat is already announced
Belgium1: But, sir Watson, why didn't the UK introduce the Euro
PetruDumitru: More questions, please
Poland2: How long does you work as a Euro Deputy??
Romania3: 2.How did the EU countries keep their national identity within the context of “Unity through diversity”?
PetruDumitru: Thank you, one more, please
cyprus: We asked fifty fellow students of our school what EU means to them. Many of them answered that EU does not mean anything to them because nothing has changed since our accession in 2004. How do you think we can convince those students that the EU can have a positive impact in our lives?
watson2: Education is largely a matter for national government. The EU government only gets involved through things like the Erasmus scheme
PetruDumitru: Let's wait now, please
watson: I wish we had introduced the euro; my party is in favour of it. But we have a very cautious government which was does want to upset popwerful newspaper and TV owners. One day we will join; i hope it will be soon.
PetruDumitru: Thank you
Belgium1: thank you for the answer :)
PetruDumitru: More questions, please
watson: Poland 2: I have been a MEP (Member of European Parliament) for 13 years. I love the job. I work terribly long hours and travel a lot but because the EU is a growing force it is always interesting.
PetruDumitru: More questions, please!
Romania3: 3.Your second point of ALDE political program says that: “To foster common European experiences and the sense of belonging to a single continent-wide community, language training and exchange among students, trainers and volunteers should be stimulated”.Which are the forms of stimulating the volunteering among the young people and pupils?
Watson1: Its true that Europe is united in its diversity. What this mission statement of the EU really means is that our Union is one of peoples who, despite their many cultural differences, agree on certain fundamental principles like human rights and democracy and who recognise that it is only by working together that we can overcome some of the biggest international challenges facing each of us as citizens, like climate change and terrorism. That is the basis of European Union, not an attempt to reduce cultural diversity. As such, all Europeans can keep their own cultural identities while realising in what way there exists a wider European culture and values system
Poland2: How is POland tercived in Euro Parlament??
PetruDumitru: Thank you Romania and Poland
watson2: I am going to Cyprus this weekend to see leaders of both Greek and Cypriot communities. I would say look at how EU membership has benefited other countries who have joined, such as Spain and Ireland
PetruDumitru: Let's wait please
Watson1: The European Youth Forum, for example, provides young Europeans with the opportunity to volunteer abroad, meet other young people from different European nations, and share cultural differences
Romania3: Thank you foryour answers
PetruDumitru: Questions, please
Watson1: no problem. Any other questions?
Poland2: How big is Polish contribution to the UE budget??
Belgium1: We all have our specific cultures and habits in Europe. So if a decision is taken and it is good rule (for example) for Western Europe, but the South of Europe doesn’t like it, is it then very smart to enforce the South of Europe to follow this rule? And may Europe oblige those countries to obey?
Romania3: 4.Your sixth point of ALDE program speaks about the governance after the introduction of the Euro.What are the European Social models available that you refer to?
cyprus: Looking forward to your visit
watson: Poland 2: the Polish people are very well perceived. They showed in their referendum their determination to join the EU and make the most of it. There are concerns about some policies of the current Polish government: for example, we were all worried that they wanted to strip Geremek of his mandate under the new lustration law. But the Constitutional Court has intervened and declared the law unconstitutional.
* Italy joined the chatroom.
cyprus: Hope you will visit our school
PetruDumitru: Belgium, your questions please?
PetruDumitru: Thank you
Poland2: Where do you live ?? What would you do to your country will be better??
* Watson1 left the chatroom.
* Watson1 joined the chatroom.
* Watson1 left the chatroom.
* Watson1 joined the chatroom.
Romania3: 5.If the Romanians gained the right to work in the EU, why do still they get so hard a working visa?
watson: Belgium 1: No decision can be taken unless it has the clear support of a two-thirds majority of Europe's governments and citizens and a clear majority in the European Parliament. Of course, some decisions are harder for some countries to comply with than for others. But if countries refuse to follow what they agree to, there are ways for the European Court to enforce the law.
Italy: hello!we are ready :-)
Belgium1: A strange tendency in international politics lately, is the following: we all support minorities claiming their independence, but on the other hand we're also trying to unite everyone in one big system, the EU. Don't you think this is a paradox?
watson2: It is important when we take decisions that we look at the impact of those decisions - here i'm thinking of the Gothenberg and Lisbon agendas
Romania3: 6.Why is there such a lack of interest manifested, including towards the Romanians who do have the experience of working on the black market in EU countries (Italy, Spain)
Belgium1: Also, for a lot of people the EU seems a bit too complicated and over their heads. What will the EU government try to do about this?
Romania3: 7.Which were the “strings“ used by the EU so that countries like Portugal and Greece , which used to have the same situation as Romania, have today registered such a huge qualitative step in most of the fields?
hungary: Welcome to everybody from Hungary! We are ready.
PetruDumitru: Hello Hungary!
Poland2: What do you think about UE constitution??
PetruDumitru: In 2 minutes, we will move to the second group, so be reayd, please
watson: Romania 3: The treaties by which Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU allow other countries to restrict flow of workers for a few years, but only a few. I wish other countries would recognise the value of having Romanian workers; but even my own country has put restirctions iin place. The restrictions are more to satisfy public fear of immigration than to solve any economic problem
Italy: hello everybody!
watson2: The EU is continually trying to improve how it communicates with its citizens. However, it is also the task of citizens to find out for themselves, particularly about topics that interest or concern them
Romania2: Who is in the second group?
Watson1: no, i dont believe there is a paradox. What Europe is becoming, is increasingly a Europe of regions, and of subsidiarity, where decisions are taken closest to those they affect - whether that is at local, regional, national or European level. The centralised nation state is becoming increasingly obselete and regional identities ever stronger. That does not mean, however, that nations and regions cannot cooperate for mutual ends at European level
cyprus: 3)We hear people talking about Common Agriculture Policy or Common Foreign and Security Policy. Is a Common Educational Program in the Future plans of the European Union and if yes how can this be applied?
Romania3: 8.Many of the “expectances“ prefigured before the EU integration have not become a reality yet. Which are the EU strategies to respect the Union principles so that it doesn’t pass through a crisis when a country such as Romania which is less economically developed than the Western Europe. What would happen if other poorer states were integrated?
Belgium1: Is the final goal of the EU to become a state like the US?
PetruDumitru: Let's slow down, please
Romania3: 9.You refer to the promoting network education at all levels, in the fifth point of your ALDE program. What does R&D network refer to?
PetruDumitru: Just give us time, do not rush please
Poland2: What UE country do you like the most??
Romania3: thank you for your answers Mr.Watson

sâmbătă, mai 05, 2007

100% in direct cu ROBERT TURCESCU

Dezbatere 100% in direct cu ROBERT TURCESCU
- "Presa, caine de paza sau arma de santaj"
- duminica 6 mai, ora 14.00
- Aula "Mihai Eminescu"(Universitatea "Al. Ioan Cuza")
- Organizator: Asociatia Studentilor Jurnalisti din Iasi (ASJ) in colaborare cu Casa de Cultura a Studentilor
- Evenimentul face parte din Festivalul Studentilor Ieseni (FESTUDIS)