We all know that teachers are always looking for tools, references, and resources for classrooms. Well, here's 80 "must see" trial, free, and paid websites recommended by Edutopia community members.
What other websites do you think are missing from this list?
Which ones do you use?
1. Thinkfinity: www.thinkfinity.org
2. National Geographic Xpeditions: www.nationalgeographic.com
3. Culture Grams: www.culturegrams.com
4. Asia Society: www.asiasociety.org/arts-culture/asia-society-museum
5. BBC for Kids: www.bbc.co.uk
6. New York Times, Lesson Plans: www.learning.blogs.nytimes.com/category/lesson-plans
7. Teacher Corner: www.theteacherscorner.net
8. Slide Share: www.slideshare.net
9. Free Rice-Vocabulary Site: www.freerice.com
10. Free Poverty-Geography Site: www.freepoverty.com
11. Learner: www.learner.org
12. International Reading Association: www.readwritethink.org
13. OWL at Purdue U: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
14. Blue Grammar Book: www.grammarbook.com
15. ESL Flashcards: www.eslflashcards.com
16. Spellanywhere: www.spellanywhere.com
17. Rick Walton: www.rickwalton.com
18. Fires in the Mind: www.firesinthemind.org
19. Edhelper: www.edhelper.com
20. RubiStar: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/
21. Byrd Seed Gifted Lessons: www.byrdseed.com
22. Imagination Soup: www.imaginationsoup.net
23. TED: www.ted.com
24. Professional Garfield: www.professorgarfield.org
25. Kid Blog: www.kidblog.org
26. That Quiz: www.thatquiz.org
27. Academic Skill Builders: www.arcademicskillbuilders.com
28. Circle the Cat: www.members.shaw.ca/gf3/circle-the-cat.html
29. Sheppard Software: www.sheppardsoftware.com
30. Storyline Online: www.storylineonline.net
31. ABCya!: www.abcya.com
32. Study Zone: www.studyzone.org/testprep/index.cfm
33. Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading: www.fcrr.org/scasearch
34. Super Teacher Worksheets: www.superteacherworksheets.com
35. Discovery Education Streaming: http://www.discoveryeducation.com/administrators/curricular-resources/streaming-plus/
36. Busy Teacher’s Café: www.busyteacherscafe.com
37. Global Tech School: www.globaltechschool.com
38. Diigo: www.diigo.com
39. Vocabulary and Spelling City: www.spellingcity.com
40. Making Curriculum Pop: www.mcpopmb.ning.com
41. English Champion: www.englishcompanion.ning.com
42. National Council of Teachers of English: www.ncte.org
43. Web English Teacher: www.webenglishteacher.com
44. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: www.rockhall.com/education
45. College Board: http://professionals.collegeboard.com/prof-dev
46. Technology in Class: www.technologyinclass.com/blog
47. PBworks: http://pbworks.com/
48. Challenge by Choice: www.challengebychoice.wordpress.com
49. McQuality Education Services: www.mcqualityeducserv.com
50. Learning Centre: www.museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca
51. Dream Up the Future: http://teachers.egfi-k12.org
52. Ten Marks: www.tenmarks.com/tmother/teacher-index
53. Quizlet: www.quizlet.com
54. Voice Thread: www.voicethread.com
55. 8 to Great: www.8togreat.com
56. Learn Me Project: www.learnmeproject.com
57. Hands on Math: www.handsonmath.blogspot.com
58. Edmodo: www.edmodo.com
59. Tween Tribune: www.tweentribune.com
60. TregoED: www.tregoed.org/teachers/new-to-scan.html
61. Middle School Science: www.middleschoolscience.com
62. Science Spot: www.sciencespot.net
63. Animoto: www.animoto.com
64. Prezi: www.prezi.com
65. Buck Institute for Education: www.bie.org
66. Eduhound: www.eduhound.com
67. How Stuff Works: www.howstuffworks.com
68. Flash Card Machine: www.flashcardmachine.com
69. Class Jump: www.classjump.com
70. ABCteach: www.abcteach.com
71. EPALS Global Community: www.epals.com
72. EdHelper: www.edhelper.com
73. TeAch-nology: www.teach-nology.com
74. Survey Monkey: www.surveymonkey.com
75. Scholastic: http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/home.jsp
76. iKeep Bookmarks: www.ikeepbookmarks.com
77. Enchanted Learning: www.enchantedlearning.com
78. Eclipse Crossword: www.eclipsecrossword.com
79. Math Snacks: www.mathsnacks.org
80. Wikispaces: www.wikispaces.com