Cu gândul la voi, din spaţiul andaluz şi vienez, aceiaşi,
Elena Mănucă şi Sevastian Alexandru.
Criza lecturii în rândul adolescenţilor
– realităţi din spaţiul european
Fideli preocupărilor didactice şi profitând de prezenţa noastră într-o capitală a culturii şi artei cum este Viena, ocazionată de derularea proiectului Leonardo da Vinci LLP/LdV/07/RO/039 ce viza perfecţionarea bibliotecarilor, ne-am facut timp să căutăm şi să beneficiem de compania agreabilă a domnului Ernst Simanek, director al Bücherei Hernals Hormayrgasse 2 A-1170 Wien, care ne-a răspuns cu amabilitate întrebărilor privind tema CRIZA LECTURII IN RANDUL ADOLESCENTILOR. Redăm mai jos întrebările în limba română, traducerea lor şi apoi răspunsurile primite.
1. Într-o lume în care asistăm la o spectaculoasă dezvoltare a noilor tehnologii de comunicare şi informare, consideraţi că sintagma criza lecturii în rândul adolescenţilor este pe deplin justificata?
In a world where we witness a spectacular development of new technologies of communication and onformation, do you believe that the statement reading crisis among teenagers is fully justifiy?
As communication is heading towards multimedia as "animated" ways of communication, that is towards information in a reduced and graphically as well as tonally pre-interpreted manner("instant food"), we may consider the teenager's state of ability of reading as being scarcely fostered and therefore poorly developed. This first of all regards the ability of understanding longer stretches of written text.
2. În spaţiul şcolii din Austria, inerţia adolescenţilor faţă de lectură este un fenomen ce tinde să ia amploare?
Is the teenagers’ idleness towards reading a phenomenon that tends to develop in the Austrian schools?
Of course, Austrian schools are part of the internationalized multimedia world and succumbing to general problems. So even if the teachers try hard to convey the idea of literature and reading, they cannot expect to be fully successful. Also, I suppose the awareness of educational deficits in contrast to specialized skills in
3. De ce credeti ca nu (mai) citesc adolescenţii ?
Why do you think the teenagrers don’t read (anymore)?
I suppose teenagers in common prefer not to read, because reading does not have an attractive image in everyday life, let alone the peer group, and the economic interests of the entertainment-providing industry are to a greater degree satisfied by, in short, selling technical devices (if not producing addicts to easily consumable pastimes) than by editing books.
4. Numiţi factorii care-i determină pe adolescenţi să citească dintr-o motivaţie exterioară.
Could you name the factors that determine the teenagers to read from an exterior motivation?
To "make" teenagers read when the bigger part of their environment tries to keep them away from books will be rather difficult. All we maybe can do is to promote an attitude that is ready to deal intensively and responsibly with matters instead of getting superficial kicks out of them.
5. Puteti sa ne spuneti in ce masura exista o corelatie intre curricula ce se realizeaza in timpul anilor de studiu si cea propusa pentru examenul de bacalaureat la limba materna?
Could you tell us to what extent there is a connection between the curriculum realised during the school years and the one suggested by the baccalaureate exam for the mother tongue?
Of course instruction in school should provide a basis for university studies.
6. Care sunt speciile cu impact mai mare asupra adolescenţilor ?
Which are the genres with a greater impact on teenagers?
Seemingly the greater part of interest of young people is the desire for identification patterns. To a certain extent these patters are provided by social pressure, nowadays rather induced by the industry than by tradition. So we could state that teenagers firstly want what is offered to them by sellers. That is everything that denies the hardships and challenges of reality in favour of evasive fictional constructions (Fantasy etc.)
To what extent are the contemporary writers read? Is there a reserve manofested only for the writers/works suggested by the curriculum and the textbooks in the mother tongue?
Dealing with contemporary literature is an issue of advanced instruction in the native language in school.
8. Care sunt, în opinia dumneavoastra, posibilele soluţii pentru a înfrânge inerţia manifestată de adolescenţi faţă de lectură ? Ne intereseaza, in primul rand, solutiile propuse de scoala si, in al doilea rand , cele identificate de institutiile care au rolul de a prelungi, completa, nuanta , prin activitatile pe care le desfasoara, activitatile extracurriculare/ nonformale ale elevilor.
In your opinion, which are the possible solutions to defeat the idleness manifested by the teenagers towards reading? We are, first of all, interested in the solutions given by the school and secondly, the ones identified by the institutions which have the role of prolonging, completing, through the activities they develop , extracurriculum/informal activities of the students.
In school we should try to make clear the connection between the existential patterns of literature and the individual problems of (young) people This could make the pupils find out that literature deals with matters that apply to their very own lives in a way which in the end is more satisfying than just "fun". This would ask for an adequate choice of literature and a rather relaxed (not permissive) way of teaching to avoid a sharp contrast between "taught" literature and enjoyable entertainment from the shop.
Is there a unitary program projected by the superior institutions (Ministry of Education, libraries, museums) as a viable solution that we don’t find only in the Eastern European countries?
I am not informed about such a program.
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